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Something that every used car buying guide would recommend you to inquire about! We all know that car mileage is very important. You need to be aware of the exact miles the car has traversed till now. Even this helps in deciding the final price of the vehicle in the end.

Of course! If you find a car on our website that you like, you can reserve it for a refundable £99 deposit.

If your car has an upgraded version on the way, then you would want to wait.

We go to great lengths to verify and validate the technical specifications and descriptions we publish against our vehicles online. We have no control over manufacturer data supplied by DVLA/CAP and Auto Trader. Whilst 99%+ of our vehicles are published with the correct detail, it is vital if there is a feature of the vehicle that is a prime in your decision to buy, you should qualify for this at the point of sale.

The very first question that you need to inquire is, “How old is the car?”. It is important because as per the year of manufacturing of the vehicle, you can calculate its depreciation rate and the ideal price you should pay for the car. 

These two things are legally mandatory, and your car will be impounded if you do not have them on you.

Sometimes manufacturers aren’t able to provide the required number of units. In such cases, dealerships keep demo cars in mint condition and try to pass them off as new. Check your car thoroughly before buying it for any damage, and ask the dealer if your car was used as a demo car.

 All of our vehicles undergo a multi-point mechanical check on arrival to us. Any rectification work is then carried out. On completion, a qualified technician then inspects the vehicle, only when that inspection is clear will the vehicle be released for sale. All vehicles then pass through a cosmetic inspection. For a vehicle to meet our preparation standard no scratches or dents should be visible with the naked eye from a distance of 2 meters.

You should ask when your car will be delivered to you because sometimes there is a wait and it could be months before you see your car. In some cases, it will be delivered instantaneously.

Unless and until you aren’t buying a certified vehicle through a reputed and reliable company who specialise in selling used cars (like – Revv), you have to ask the seller the reason they are giving away the vehicle. Who knows there might be some serious issue in the car because of which they might be selling the vehicle?! The seller should know — the inspection before buying the vehicle would reveal the rightful condition of the car, and as such should honestly answer this question.